بِســمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْم اللهم اِنا نَجْعَلُك فى نُحُورِ أعداءِنَا و نَعُوذُ بِك مِن شُرُورِهِم, اللهم بَدِّدْ شَمْلَهُم و فَرِّقْ جَمْعَهم و شَتِّتْ كَلِمَتَهم و زَلْزِلْ أَقْدَامَهم و سَلِّطْ عليهم كَلْبًا مِن كِلَابِك يا قهَّار , يا جبَّار اِهزِم الكفارYa Allah, Kami guru kimi-A! SPM seMalaysia sesi 2023 mdoakan keCEMERLANGan anak didik kami dlm kimi-A! SPM skor A+ utk semua PELAJAR. امين. Salam kimi-A! itu M U D A H ان شآء الله A! ...Chem-is- TRY اهلا وسهلارمضان 1446
Ahad, 6 Disember 2015
Rabu, 2 Disember 2015
Khamis, 26 November 2015
Pejabat baru
10 rules bertukar pejabat sbb naik pangkat atau tukar tempat kerja. Slogan dia, respect and harmony. What you give you get bek.. Haha.
Rule 1. Jangan baru tukar pejabat, terus nak tukar itu dan ini, ini tak betul, ni salah. Hormati sbb kamu masuk rumah orang.
Rule 2. Jangan baru ambik kepimpinan terus cakap "saya tak nak seperti sebelum ni.. Lembab, teruk dll. Simpan dlm hati kalau betul pun. Kene ingat jasa org sblm ini.
Rule 3. Jangan tukar terus berlagak nak tukar semua perkara. Mesti ada sebab orang dulu tak buat. Study dulu. Orang dulu pun tak kurang cerdik dari kamu.
Rule 4. Bekerja dengan tangan dan hati, bukan dengan mulut dan air liur.
Rule 5. Understudy, baca fail dan pekeliling. Paling kurang 2 minggu. Selepas 2 minggu bukan lagi orang baru. Jangan sampai 6 bulan cakap errr " saya masih orang baru".
Rule 6. Masuk meeting, dengar dahulu. Tengok cara orang bermeeting. Lain tempat lain cara. Jangan sibuk nak cakap itu ini. Kalau diberi peluang atau ditanya barulah jawab. Nanti orang tahu kita tak tahu. Jgn suka sebut, kat pejabat saya dulu mcm ni... Mcm bagus sgt pejabat dulu.
Rule 7. Org baru, sila sapa semua orang. Ada masa perkenalkan diri. Paling penting untuk dikenali adalah para pemandu dan makcik cleaner.
Rule 8. Jangan masuk-masuk bising itu tak cukup ini tak cukup. Guna sekadar yang ada. Yang penting satu pen hitam di poket. Kita bukan pegawai kerusi meja. Mintak pelan2.
Rule 9. Jangan masuk terus nak cari musuh, tembak orang tak tentu hala dalam meeting.
Rule 10. Hormati pegawai/kakitangan senior umurnya. Jangan kira dia apa pangkatnya. Mereka berpengalaman. Jangan marah atau tegur kesalahan mereka di khalayak. Jaga airmuka mereka.
Jangan marah ye. Kalau tak setuju ikut suka la. Semoga bahagia. Ini tok guru saya aja. Pejabat adalah rumah kedua kita. 8 jam sehari. Kita bekerja untuk hidup bukan kerja untuk bermusuh. Ular menyusup akar tidak hilang bisanya. Tapi lebih ganteng. Semoga berjaya di pejabat baru.
Rule 1. Jangan baru tukar pejabat, terus nak tukar itu dan ini, ini tak betul, ni salah. Hormati sbb kamu masuk rumah orang.
Rule 2. Jangan baru ambik kepimpinan terus cakap "saya tak nak seperti sebelum ni.. Lembab, teruk dll. Simpan dlm hati kalau betul pun. Kene ingat jasa org sblm ini.
Rule 3. Jangan tukar terus berlagak nak tukar semua perkara. Mesti ada sebab orang dulu tak buat. Study dulu. Orang dulu pun tak kurang cerdik dari kamu.
Rule 4. Bekerja dengan tangan dan hati, bukan dengan mulut dan air liur.
Rule 5. Understudy, baca fail dan pekeliling. Paling kurang 2 minggu. Selepas 2 minggu bukan lagi orang baru. Jangan sampai 6 bulan cakap errr " saya masih orang baru".
Rule 6. Masuk meeting, dengar dahulu. Tengok cara orang bermeeting. Lain tempat lain cara. Jangan sibuk nak cakap itu ini. Kalau diberi peluang atau ditanya barulah jawab. Nanti orang tahu kita tak tahu. Jgn suka sebut, kat pejabat saya dulu mcm ni... Mcm bagus sgt pejabat dulu.
Rule 7. Org baru, sila sapa semua orang. Ada masa perkenalkan diri. Paling penting untuk dikenali adalah para pemandu dan makcik cleaner.
Rule 8. Jangan masuk-masuk bising itu tak cukup ini tak cukup. Guna sekadar yang ada. Yang penting satu pen hitam di poket. Kita bukan pegawai kerusi meja. Mintak pelan2.
Rule 9. Jangan masuk terus nak cari musuh, tembak orang tak tentu hala dalam meeting.
Rule 10. Hormati pegawai/kakitangan senior umurnya. Jangan kira dia apa pangkatnya. Mereka berpengalaman. Jangan marah atau tegur kesalahan mereka di khalayak. Jaga airmuka mereka.
Jangan marah ye. Kalau tak setuju ikut suka la. Semoga bahagia. Ini tok guru saya aja. Pejabat adalah rumah kedua kita. 8 jam sehari. Kita bekerja untuk hidup bukan kerja untuk bermusuh. Ular menyusup akar tidak hilang bisanya. Tapi lebih ganteng. Semoga berjaya di pejabat baru.
Rabu, 25 November 2015
Best advice if you're just starting or growing a business:
Focus at your customer more than your product. Get fixed on your customer experience, and your product will keep changing to serve them best. But fix your product, and customers will find a path that fits them, with or without you.
If you're waiting on the street corner, wondering where all your customers are, this post is for you.
We've moved from the industrial age where it was all about the product and productization to the technological age where it's all about the customer and customization.
Instead of focusing at product development and production lines (which we learned about and were a part of at school), focus at customer experiences and customization lines.
Your business doesn't start when you have a product. It starts when you have a customer. So who is your perfect customer? Start from there and ask yourself (and them):
Problem - What's the problem they need solved?
Promise - What's the benefit you deliver to them by solving it?
Product - How will you solve it better than others?
Proof - Why should they trust you?
Keep upgrading your answers (and your products) regularly. Because what your customers need, their expectations and how they are being served will keep changing fast. And once you get into flow, you'll begin to know what they need before them, and they'll begin pre-buying your next product.
"Get closer than ever to your customer. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves." ~ Steve Jobs
The easiest way to future proof your business is to have customers that love you. The easiest way to fail is to love your idea or product more than you love your customers. So find your soul-market and fall in love all over again.
Focus at your customer more than your product. Get fixed on your customer experience, and your product will keep changing to serve them best. But fix your product, and customers will find a path that fits them, with or without you.
If you're waiting on the street corner, wondering where all your customers are, this post is for you.
We've moved from the industrial age where it was all about the product and productization to the technological age where it's all about the customer and customization.
Instead of focusing at product development and production lines (which we learned about and were a part of at school), focus at customer experiences and customization lines.
Your business doesn't start when you have a product. It starts when you have a customer. So who is your perfect customer? Start from there and ask yourself (and them):
Problem - What's the problem they need solved?
Promise - What's the benefit you deliver to them by solving it?
Product - How will you solve it better than others?
Proof - Why should they trust you?
Keep upgrading your answers (and your products) regularly. Because what your customers need, their expectations and how they are being served will keep changing fast. And once you get into flow, you'll begin to know what they need before them, and they'll begin pre-buying your next product.
"Get closer than ever to your customer. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves." ~ Steve Jobs
The easiest way to future proof your business is to have customers that love you. The easiest way to fail is to love your idea or product more than you love your customers. So find your soul-market and fall in love all over again.
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