Orang Islam di Xinjiang China perlukan doa kita
Media minggu lepas melaporkan keganasan kaum di Western part of China, Xinjiang yang mengorbankan 156 nyawa dan 1080 mengalami kecederaan. Bgaimanapun laporan lain melaporkan sekurang2nya 600 mati dalam pertembungan Uyghur Muslim dengan Han Chinese majoriti. 95% kematian adalah dari Uyghur Muslim & 1,400 Uyghur Muslim di tangkap atas alasan terlibat dalam pergaduhan ni.
Media rasmi China hanya menunjukkan gambar beberapa kecederaan di pihak Han Chinese dan terus menyalahkan Uyghur Muslim sepenuhnya. Beratus-ratus kematian Uyghur Muslim tidak di tunjuk di media rasmi tersebut padahal realitinya sangat-sangat berbeza. Klik link di bawah untuk mendapatkan laporan yang lebih jelas:
Noman Khan adalah seorang Uyghur Muslim yg tinggal di Chicago. Ibu bapa & keluarganya masih belum dapat di hubungi kerana pihak berkuasa telah menutup line internet & telefon, beliau hanya sekadar mampu berdoa.
10 juta Uyghur Muslims adalah dari East Turkistan di Barat Daya China yang dikuasai komunis pada 1950. Mereka telah di diskriminasi & ditindas sehingga Xinjiang yang dulunya 97% Muslim hanya tinggal 50% dalam 20-30 tahun lalu.

Dibawah ni gambar seorang Han Chinese yg bersenjata menyerang Muslim Uighur.
Biasanya waktu solat Jumaat kita selalu dengar doa untuk Palestinians, Kashmiris, Afghanis, Iraqis and Chechnyans, tetapi cukup menyedihkan kerana tiada sorang pun yang mendoakan saudara-saudara se Islam di Uyghur. Dunia telah melupakan, bahkan tiada sokongan walaupun di segi moral dari saudara-saudara se Islam. Tangkapan besar-besaran di lakukan, tinggal para ibu & anak-anak yang hanya mampu buat bantahan penangkapan itu di jalanan. Tidak tahu apa akan di lakukan keatas mereka seterusnya.
Di bawah komunis mereka tak dibenarkan mengamalkan agama Islam sebelum berumur 18 tahun. Kakitangan kerajaan seperti guru, doktor tidak di benarkan solat atau ke masjid walaupun berumur lebih dari 18 tahun. Murid-murid & guru dipaksa makan di bulan Ramadhan. Jawatan-jawatan tinggi bergaji tinggi di beri kepada Han Chinese yang lebih rendah kelayakan di bumi Uyghur sendiri. Kerajaan mempunyai agenda melenyapkan Islam & tradisi-tradisi mereka di Uyghur.
Noman meminta disebarkan artikel ini dan membantah pembunuhan & tangkapan besar2an Uyghur Muslims di Xinjiang di samping mendoakan keselamatan semua di East Turkistan, Uyghur & Han Chinese. Dia menyeru & merayu kita semua melahirkan semangat perpaduan memberi sokongan padu kepada mereka yg sangat2 memerlukan sokongan kerana semua itu sangat bermakna bagi mereka sebagai bukti penderitaan mereka di dengar & nasib mereka tidak di lupakan oleh saudara se Islam di dunia ini di samping berdoa untuk kesejahteraan mereka.
Sumber: Carigold
sumber: http://www.harian-metro-online.com/orang-islam-di-xinjiang-china-perlukan-doa-kitaFrom: “Khan, Noman {Quaker}” >
To: Zulfiye Osman >
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 1:12:55 AM
Subject:Assalam Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,You might have read and heard about the ethnic violence in the Western part
of China, Xinjiang this past weekend. According to Chinese official media,
156 are dead and 1080 injured. However the unofficial figures report that
at least 600 people died in the clashed between Uyghur Muslim and Han
Chinese majority, and about 95% of the casualties are Uyghur Muslims.
Chinese authorities have arrested at least 1400 Uyghur s, claiming they took
part in the riot. The official Chinese media, Xinhua, only shows the
pictures of few Han Chinese injuries with no mention of the hundreds of
Muslims who died in these clashes, putting the blame completely on the
Muslims. The reality is far from it.
Please see the links below for some unbiased reporting.http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0706/p06s04-woap.htmlhttp://www.democracynow.org/shows/2009/7/7The unrest in Xinjiang (East Turkistan), is near and dear to my heart.
I am an Uyghur living in Chicago. My parents and the rest of the family are
still in Xinjiang. While they are away from Urumqi where the clashes
happened, I still have not been able to get hold of them in past couple of
days as the authorities have shut down internet and telephone services. I
am praying every moment for their safety.Uyghurs are the Turkic speaking Muslim people living in the northwest part
of China under occupation. Their short lived republic, East Turkistan went
under Chinese communist rule in 1950. Since then they have been subjected
to severe discrimination because of their Muslim identity and they have seen
their 97% majority in Xinjiang shrink to almost 50% in last few decades.
There are many underlining sources of tension and humiliation of over 10
million Uyghur Muslims.I am writing to you for your support in helping spread the word and plight
of Uyghur Muslims. I go to Juma prayers and everyone prays about suffering
of the Palestinians, Kashmiris, Afghanis, Iraqis and Chechnyans, however not
once I have heard someone pray for the Uyghurs.We are the forgotten people in this world and not even our Muslim brothers and sisters have ever provided any moral support for us. Well I’m asking
for the support in this hour of dire need. My brothers and sisters are
being persecuted as we speak. They have been captured in mass arrests with
no sight of what will happen to their future. Uyghur woman with their
children have went on street to protest against the mass arrest of thousands
of Muslim Uyghur men. Under communist Chinese rule we are not allowed to
practice our religion until the age of 18 and even after the age of 18 if
anyone who works for government like teachers and doctor are not allowed to
pray or go to Mosque. Our children and teachers are force fed in schools
during the month of Ramadan. There is a governmental agenda to slowly take
Islam out of common people’s lives. Majority of the high paying jobs go to
the Han Chinese with a lot less qualification in our own home land. Our
culture is being slowly disappearing.I urge you to send this to your friends and families and condemn the
killings and mass arrest of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. I ask you to pray for the
safety of the people of East Turkistan (Xinjiang), Uyghurs and Han Chinese.
I ask you to please stand in solidarity with your Uyghur Muslim brothers.
The moral support of Muslim community means a lot to me and the Uyghurs as
we are desperate to be seen and heard by our brothers and sisters.I urge you to send a message of solidarity with Uyghur Muslims and pray for
them. I urge you to send this message to at least 5 other family members
and friends.Sincerely,
Zulfiye Osman
Noman Khan (husband)
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